What’s the Story with National Stories?

How do we learn and teach national stories? Native Knowledge 360° (NK360°) provides educational resources and teacher training that incorporate Native narratives, more comprehensive histories, and accurate information to enlighten and inform teaching and learning about Native America. We will introduce methods of better story telling using NK360° resources.  Crafting richer narratives about our collective history prompts deeper reflection on the decisions individuals made then and now. National narratives serve as invaluable tools for acknowledging errors, fostering empathy, enhancing our listening skills, and cultivating stronger communities.

Session Type
50-minute virtual session (Tues., July 15 only)
Session Track
Inclusive Storytelling
Subject Areas
English/Language Arts, Social Studies
PreK and Elementary School Teachers, Media Specialists and Librarians
Virtual Session Link
What’s the Story with National Stories? - Additional Resources